UN STI Forum side event: Inclusive pathways for steering STI for SDGs – evidence, tools and policies
4 May 2021, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT
Join us for STRINGS‘ official side event to the UN STI Forum 2021. We’ll be sharing findings and recommendations from our research into how science, technology and innovation (STI) can be better aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and exchanging perspectives on how these can be applied to harness the power of STI for SDGs in the Decade of Action.
Event description
Billions of dollars are spent every year on STI but our understanding of how this supports the SDGs is limited. The complex relationships between SDGs and the actors involved make it difficult to assess the contribution STI can make.
To accelerate progress and address inequalities in how STI is prioritised, we must unpack this complexity, improve understanding of plural pathways, and steer STI investments to better address the SDGs.
The STRINGS project is producing an unprecedented mapping of how different areas of STI relate to SDGs, and their complex interlinkages. Using this mapping, we provide evidence and tools to identify pathways to better align STI and the SDGs. Our results will improve understanding of how STI supports the SDGs and provide decision makers and STI users with evidence and tools to steer research and innovation towards the SDGs, across different contexts.
This event will be an opportunity to hear findings and recommendations from our cutting-edge research and experts across the globe. Together with our guest speakers, panellists, and attendees we will explore how policymakers, funders and international organisations can harness the power of STI for SDGs for a sustainable and resilient COVID-19 recovery.
Programme and speakers
12.30pm-12.35pm EDT
Prof Andy Stirling, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
12.35pm-12.45pm EDT
Opening remarks: Advancing human development and the Anthropocene – STI and the SDGs
Pedro Conceição, Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP
12.45pm-12.55pm EDT
Keynote talk: The context, challenges and opportunities of aligning STI to SDGs
Prof Susan Cozzens, Professor Emerita in the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
12.55pm-1.20pm EDT
STRINGS’ findings and policy provocations: Mapping misalignments and steering STI for SDGs
Dr Tommaso Ciarli, UNU-MERIT and SPRU and Prof Joanna Chataway, University College London
1.20pm-1.30pm EDT
1.30pm-2.20pm EDT
Panel discussion and Q&A: From words to action – practical steps for steering STI to SDGs
Chaired by Prof Andy Stirling, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Dr Glenda Kruss, Executive Head, Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (CeSTII), Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) South Africa
Prof Elisa P. Reis, Vice-President of the International Science Council, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Sociais (IFCS), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Dr Falk Schmidt, Scientific Head of the Coordination Office, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
2.20pm-2.30pm EDT
Next steps: Global governance for better aligning R&D allocations and STI strategies to the SDGs
Prof Sir Geoff Mulgan, University College London
2.30pm EDT