Latest Past Events

STRINGS present at the 2nd Calestous Juma Seminar


The 2nd Calestous Juma Seminar, 'Steering Science, Technology and Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals' took place on November 29-30, 2021. STRINGS partners John Ouma-Mugabe, Paul Kombo and Nora Ndege discussed STI pathways to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Lake Victoria Basin. Project lead Tommaso Ciarli also spoke at the event to introduce the STRINGS project, present their key findings and recommendations for future actions.

CRISP-STRINGS Workshop: Supporting rice farmers in Odisha to adapt to climate change

Bhubaneswar, India

Supporting rice farmers in Odisha to adapt to climate change: alternative STI pathways and their alignment to SDGs This STRINGS workshop, led by project partner CRISP, will bring together key stakeholders to discuss ways to steer Science, Technology and Innovation for better alignment with the SDGs. It will use evidence from the case study undertaken in Odisha, India, on alternative pathways to support rice farmers to adapt to changing climate. The implications of the misalignment of pathways to varied SDGs/Targets will be discussed, as well as ways of steering towards achieving better alignment.