Take the STRINGS survey
We’re running a global survey to gather different views on how science, technology and innovation (STI) can support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we want to hear from you.
Our findings will be shared with some of the world’s primary funders of science and innovation, international organisations, development agencies and foundations.
Webinar: The Contribution of Science to the Sustainable Development Goals
6 October 2021 | Online
In this webinar, Valeria Arza, Julián Asinsten and Tommaso Ciarli discussed the local and global research challenges in meeting the SDG targets, and analysed how STI works and in particular the contribution that openness and collaboration can make in the production of knowledge. Tommaso Ciarli presented a map of complex relationships that exist between STI and the SDGs at a global level, to identify in which topics and regions there are imbalances between the knowledge needs to face organized socio-environmental challenges by the SDGs and the production of STI. Valeria Arza focused on Chagas as a specific problem that is also crossed by multiple socio-environmental dimensions. Following the presentations, there was a Q&A session. Questions related to methodological decisions to rank societal needs; how to know how much science is needed for different needs; how to promote collaboration in science; how are governments orienting scientific research towards the SDGs; and how are the SDGs included in university curricula.
Consultative Workshop
6 & 7 November 2019 | London
This workshop aimed to define and develop a detailed understanding of how specific areas of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) may contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Low and Middle-Income Country contexts. The workshop was attended by international experts from academia, policy and practice, representing diverse regions, organisations, disciplines, SDGs, and demographics, including the members of the project’s Advisory Committee, and project partners. The workshop comprised four main sessions:
- An interactive discussion in groups on how to steer STI investment and processes towards the SDGs
- A practical exercise to map which STI areas will have a positive/negative influence in achieving different SDG targets
- A session to co-design the engagement plan
- An open discussion which began with a presentation from Jeffery Sachs
To find out more, please see our interviews with workshop participants and Joanna Chataway’s blog about the key issues, challenges and opportunities for science, technology and innovation and meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.